Found this project Micro Word Clock and decided to give it a go, I couldn't find any code for Arduino so I mashed up some code, the code works however I want to add a flashing asterix to show seconds.
Equipment needed:
- Arduino Uno
- 8x8 LED Matrix with MAX7219
- SparkFun Real Time Clock Module (DS1307)
The 8x8 LED matrix is 32mm x 32mm so the math was easy each cell needed to be 4mm², I started by using Microsoft EXCEL to get the letters in a grid however I couldn't get the cells size to be 4mm X 4mm ( 3.97mm X 3.97mm) so I tried Openoffice and guess what no problem. Once all letters was added you need to center text left to right and top to bottom, make all cells background black and text white, the font I used was consolas size 8. I have added the files with the source code on github.
RTC DS1307
- Connect SCL to A5
- Connect SDA to A4
- Connect 5V and GRD
MAX7219 - 8x8 LED MAtrix
- Connect DIN to Pin 8
- Connect CS to Pin 9
- Connect CLK to Pin10